Thursday 28 September 2017

Långsiktig Forex Handelsstrategi

Tiger Trading långfristiga diagram för kortfristiga valutahandel. Stockhandlare lägger ofta till valutor i portföljer för att dra nytta av de otroliga möjligheterna som valutahandel kan presentera. Det är sant att lagren kräver en annan uppsättning analyser, det finns tillräckligt Gemensamt mellan de två tillgångsklasserna som ska göra det möjligt för en aktieföretags att anpassa sig ganska lätt till valutahandel. Även om följande metod är utformad som en svänghandel som kan hållas i många dagar eller veckor är det också möjligt att använda tigerhandelmetoden För att hålla positionen ännu längre så länge handeln fortsätter lönsam Att lära sig mer om hur valutor handlas Forex Wading Into valutamarknaden TUTORIAL Analysera diagrammönster. Varför tiger Det verkar som att djuregenskaper kan användas ganska effektivt för att beskriva människohandeln Attribut Låt oss inte glömma att tjurar kan tjäna pengar, och så kan björnar men varför hänvisningen till tiger A tiger är en förödande jägare och har prover Kattens tålamod Det kan sitta och vänta tills oddsen för en lyckad jakt är väldigt hög. För de handlare med liknande personlighetskarakteristika handlar det hur en tigerjakt kan vara mycket lukrativ. Vad är ett långsiktigt diagram för att vara En tigerhandlare måste investerare positionera sig så att handelsmöjligheten bäst ses från ett avstånd. För att få översikt över marknaden och hur det har handlat bör vi alltid titta på veckotabellen För lager Marknadsförare kan veckotabellen vara ett relativt korttidsdiagram jämfört med månadsvisa eller till och med årliga diagram. Men i forexmarknaderna betraktas veckovisa diagram på lång sikt, från näringsidkarens perspektiv. Vad är Special om veckotabellen A Veckovisa diagram i forexmarknaderna är den enda tidsramen som visar ett riktigt nära stängning är fredag ​​eftermiddag kl 17.00 EST och valutamarknaden öppnas igen söndag kl 17.00 EST Dagliga diagram i valutamarknaden går inte nära, även om det finns är En avvecklingstid som ändras beroende på vilken valutamarknad du handlar i. Till exempel öppnar New York marknaden söndag kl 17:00 EST i New York Följande dag stänger New York kl 17:00 EST för bosättning och bara en minut senare , Marknaden återupptas och all handel återupptas. Det finns ingen övernattning, eftersom så snart som New York stänger öppnar Australien. Därför handlas valutahandlare 24 timmar dygnet runt till fredag ​​kl 17.00 EST. Använd ett veckotabell Figur 1, vi kommer att Kunna rita våra linjer i sanden, oavsett om det är trendlinjer Fibonacci-linjer Gann-linjer, dubbeltoppar eller bottnar mm Dessa linjer dras vanligtvis från veckovisa höga eller veckovisa låga punkter, liksom på den veckovisa stängningen. Detta hjälper till att mäta Där långsiktiga näringsidkare fokuserar Eftersom de långsiktiga näringsidkare oftast är de handelshandlare som vanligtvis är intresserade av att bära handelsmöjligheter, tenderar de att ta större positioner och är därför kollektivt ganska inflytelserika för att skapa en di Omkastning på marknaden. Om reverseringar ofta förekommer på Fibonacci-nivåer är ett resultat av en viss naturlig ordning som marknaden lyder, eller om Fibonacci-nivåerna har trovärdighet, eftersom så många näringsidkare ser dem, och därför avviker från dessa nivåer, spelar det ingen roll , Så länge som dessa nivåer visar viss validitet. Få en stor bildöversikt För en tigerhandel dominerar den längre tidsramen den kortare tidsramen. Med andra ord är signaler från ett veckotabell mer uttalade än signaler från ett dagligt diagram. Priserna visas på De kortare tidsramarna kan faktiskt svänga och generera alternativa köp - eller säljsignaler, även om den längre trenden förblir intakt. Men när den längre tidsramen visar priserna närmar sig en potentiell återställningsnivå måste vi byta till kortare tidsram eftersom det blir en Ledande indikator om huruvida återgångspunkten som visas på den längre tidsramen sannolikt kommer att ha någon dragkraft. Om du vill lära dig mer om veckovis kartläggning, kolla in Weekend Analys AP Att vi gör det enkelt. Då tar vi ett diagram över valutaparet som vi vill handla, ställer in till en veckovis tidsram, se Figur 2 nedan och sedan en annan uppsättning till en daglig tidsram, Figur 3 nedan På båda diagrammen , Lägger vi till en Relative Strength Index RSI-indikatoruppsättning till ett intervall av två perioder. Dessutom lägger vi till tre enkla glidande medelvärden, var och en är inställd på 20 perioder. Vi ställer det första glidande medlet till 20, men beräknat på höga, det andra beräknat på Det låga och det tredje 20-års glidande medlet på sista eller slutliga priset. Vi använder RSI som ett filter för att bestämma när man ska köpa eller när man ska sälja, och jämviktslinjerna kommer att användas som en indikation på trenden och hur Pris flyttar från trenden mot extremt sentiment Förhoppningsvis kan den programvara du använder göra för att se mer om kartläggning, kolla in kartlägga din väg till bättre återgång. Förstå de grundläggande drivrutinerna Om vi ​​till exempel handlar USD Vi kan titta på komm Ents of Trichet, den nuvarande presidenten för Europeiska centralbanken, ECB för att förstå om ECB sannolikt kommer att höja räntorna i euroområdet Om Förenta staterna håller priserna låga men det finns en möjlighet att ECB är hawkish på inflationen och kunde Höja räntorna, då vill vi vara långa euron mot dollarn. En tiger personlighet Kom ihåg tigerperspektivet, det betyder tålamod hos en katt. Vi måste vara beredda att vänta tills alla stjärnor är i linje, nämligen priset är på En extrem reverseringspunkt eller trenden drar tillbaka till jämvikt vilket kommer att ge ett tillfälle att göra handel till ett bättre pris. Om någon av dessa två faktorer skulle uppstå kan vi göra oss redo att kasta. För mer om handel som en tiger, Läs Tålamod är en Trader s Virtue. Overview of a Tiger Trade Först, låt s se det veckovisa diagrammet för DXY för att se om priset närmar sig ett mönster eller en trendlinje eller en Fibonacci-stöd eller motståndslinje I figur 1 nedan, vi Använd det veckovisa diagrammet för DXY Dollar Index för att få en överblick över känslan gentemot dollarn. Priset närmar sig en dubbel topp Eftersom DXY - eller dollarindexet består av sex valutor erbjuder det ett snabbt perspektiv på den allmänna dollarns styrka eller svaghet. Figur 1 Weekly Dollar Index. Chart courtesy Wordon Brothers. Markets kan överreaktera marknader kan och överreagerar eftersom emotionella människor överreagerar. Detta leder till att man avviker från jämviktspunkten tills en extrem punkt nås och sedan kommer tiden att börja pendeln Återgå till medelvärdet Denna svindlande fram och tillbaka från mitten kallas volatilitet och det som ger tiger möjligheten att göra en lönsam snag För att läsa mer om hur marknader påverkas läs Volatilitet s Påverkan på marknadsavkastning. Hitta en veckasats - Up Genom att skanna genom alla större valutor märker vi att det veckovisa diagrammet Figur 2 i euro-dollarn närmar sig 127 6 Fibonacci-förlängningen. Vi kunde dra slutsatsen att c Oincidens, en dubbeltopp i den ena och en Fibonacci-stödnivå i den andra, indikerar ett högt odds-tillfälle för en EUR-USD-handel. Steg 2 Veckovis EUR USD. Välkommen till Wordon Brothers. Dagbladet - Ingångssignal När vi är glada Att det finns möjlighet till bryggning, kan vi byta till en daglig diagrambild 3 under EUR-dollarn för att observera vad som händer när priset närmar sig förlängningen 127 6 Vi ser också till om RSI kan nå 5-nivån, vilket Skulle indikera en mycket överdriven och extrem känsla Genom att lyssna på pratningen på marknaden hör vi flera pundits att euron kommer att nå paritet med dollarn och den allmänna konsensusen på marknaden ska vara kort euro. Figur 3 Dagligen EUR USD. Chart courtesy Wordon Brothers. The Candlestick Chart Vid denna tidpunkt är det också viktigt att titta på vad som händer på 127 Fibonacci-linjen och för att se vilken typ av ljusmönster som bildar. Vanligtvis skulle en hammarspinnande topp eller doji vara en indikation på att ändra känslan vid Professionella traders. Stacking the Odds Kombinationen av DXY på en dubbel topp, den veckovisa EUR USD vid en 127 6 Fibonacci förlängning, RSI på ca 5 och en snurrande bildning på det dagliga diagrammet indikerar en eventuell handel Figur 4, under An Ordern placeras på marknaden för att gå långa EUR-dollar om den bryter över den högsta delen av den spinnande toppen på 1 2015 och, om den exekveras, en stoppförlustorder placeras till 1 1870. Risken är 140 pips För varje standardavtal av 100 000 värdet på en pip är 10 Därför är riskens dollarvärde 1 400. Denna risk bör inte motsvara mer än 2 av handelskapitalet, vilket innebär att vi borde ha 70 000 aktier i våra konton eller på annat sätt handla mindre, mindre kontrakt istället För mer Vid kartläggning, se en blick på en jämviktsdiagram. Figur 4: Entry Point på den dagliga EUR-USD-diagrammet. Kontrollerad Wordon Brothers. Med hänvisning till Figur 4 fortsätter EUR USD till 1 3200 innan några tecken på en riktig korrigering eller potentiell förändring av trenden Observeras och möjligheten Nity att stanna i handeln eller till och med lägga till det som pris drar tillbaka till jämvikts kanalens nedre linjer Handeln skulle skäras av ett bakåtstopp under kanalen om en sådan nivå har uppnåtts Alternativt kan ett bakstopp stoppas Att sänka handeln med 50 och tillåta de återstående 50 att förbli öppna så länge som handeln fortsätter att vara lönsam. Värdet på denna handel är cirka 1200 pips, vilket för ett standardkontrakt skulle vara lika med 12 000. Risken för ersättning är 1200 140 eller 8 57 gånger, säkerligen värd en patient tiger Marginalen som krävs för att ta denna handel är cirka 1.200 ROI är 12 000 1200 eller 1000. Bottom Line Tiger handel är inte för dem utan tålamod. Det är nödvändigt att låta marknaden Kom till dig istället för att jaga marknaden i rädsla för att missa en handel Om du saknar handeln, var trött, finns det alltid ett annat tillfälle. Bara sitta och vänta tålmodigt, men kom ihåg det gamla ordspråket. Förmögenhet gynnar det välförberedda sinnet Att lära sig Från som E av den bästa investeraren, kolla in Financial Wisdom From Three Wise Men. Why Us Från den senaste tekniken för att skydda dina pengar, se varför vi är den bästa handelspartnern. Regleringsbehörighet Admiral Markets UK Ltd är reglerad av Financial Conduct Authority i Storbritannien. Kontakta oss Lämna feedback, ställa frågor, ringa på vårt kontor eller ring oss. Nyhet Kolla in de senaste nyheterna om vårt företag, händelser, handelsvillkor positional trading. Tanken bakom detta tillvägagångssätt gör färre transaktioner som ger större individuella vinster medan Handlare som utnyttjar denna strategi syftar vanligtvis till att göra minst 200 pips per handel, deras möjligheter är mycket mer begränsade. Till följd av detta kräver näringsidkare som använder detta tillvägagångssätt grundlig förberedelse och väsentlig kunskap. Långsiktiga strategier för handel FX. Positional trading exemplifierar hur Att handla Forex långsiktigt Det handlar om att identifiera en trend och sedan följa den i veckor eller månader. I vissa fall har handlare följt en trend för över ett år Wh Än att tillämpa långsiktig Forex trading, köpa baserat på förväntningar och sälja baserat på fakta. Till exempel spekulanter som George Soros kraftigt kortat det brittiska pundet 1992. De var skeptiska till Storbritanniens förmåga att behålla fasta växelkurser vid den tiden landet Drog pundet från ERM den 22 september 1992 och Soros gjorde mer än 1 miljard på affären. Om du söker ett mer praktiskt exempel på en långsiktig valutahandelstrategi, öppna en lång position på GBP-dollar baserat på din tro Att valutaparet kommer att driva högre efter det kommande brittiska valet När du väl har hittat hur valutaparet flyttar efter valet kan du stänga den här positionen eller hålla den öppen. Tänk på att om du handlar GBP-dollar bör du överväga ekonomisk Händelser inte bara i Storbritannien utan också i USA. Gör en grundlig analys av ekonomin i de två valutorna och var noga med att utvärdera potentialen för oförutsedda händelser. Denna information är allt du behöver för att utveckla en långsiktig Forex t Raing strategi, men hej vidareutbildning är alltid en bra idé. En långsiktig strategi exempel. Den tidigare delen gav några allmänna uppgifter om handel Forex långsiktiga Nu ska vi titta på en långsiktig strategi i större detalj. Du är en Forex-handlare baserad i USA och några politiska händelser har inträffat som sannolikt kommer att påverka USD Med hjälp av den information du har till ditt förfogande bör du analysera var USD kommer att gå. Om du tror att det finns en bra chans att valutan kommer att Flytta i linje med din prognos, kan du börja din långsiktiga Forex trading strategi genom att öppna en USD-par position som speglar din förutsägelse. Men innan du gör det bör du överväga var den andra valutan sannolikt kommer att gå Om du vill vara konservativ, Välj ett citat där du tror att den andra valutan kommer att ha den högsta stabiliteten. Till exempel, om utvecklingen som påverkar ditt valutapar är knuten till Mellanöstern, kan din analys avslöja att Japan saknar tätt handelsavtal Med japansk yen i Ryssland har historiskt haft stabilitet. Den här informationen kan leda till att du tror att det perfekta paret för denna handel skulle vara USD JPY. När du räknar ut detta bör du dubbelklicka på dina förväntningar , Lista sedan alla kända plusförväntade händelser och deras resultat. Omfattar alla dessa variabler är hur du utvecklar detta och någon annan långsiktig valutahandelstrategi. Hur handlar Forex på lång sikt. Det finns flera tips som kan förbättra din FX-handel. Förrätter, låt inte dina känslor påverka din handel eftersom de kan på allvar undergräva din prestation Att förlora affärer till vinnande kan vara en utmaning, men det kan också vara svårt att stänga en position ut tidigt och förlora på potentiella vinster. Oavsett vad Händer håll dig till din strategi. Varje gång du öppnar en position, förutsäga var valutan ska gå och hur stor prisrörelsen kommer att vara. Du måste också se till att varje handel har både ett vinstmål och som Top-loss. Alltid har de räknat ut innan du börjar använda en långsiktig Forex strategi. Långsiktiga handel bästa praxis. Medan alla har ett annat sätt att handla, finns det några allmänna riktlinjer som gäller för de flesta positionella handlare. Dessa riktlinjer är Baseras främst på riskhantering och valutamarknadens inneboende karaktär. Låt oss undersöka hur de kan förbättra dina handelsstrategier.1 Använd mycket liten hävstång. När du gör positionell handel borde du hålla fast vid volymer som utgör en liten andel av din marginal En Av dina stora överväganden för långsiktig valutahandling är att du enkelt kan behålla någon vanlig intradag eller till och med i veckans volatilitet. Eftersom ett valutapar enkelt kan flytta några hundra pips på en dag, bör du se till att dessa prisfluktuationer vunnit t Utlösa en stop-loss.2 Var uppmärksam på swaps. While trading Forex långsiktigt kan generera lovande intäkter, vad som verkligen betyder betydelse är vinst. Betala uppmärksamma swaps avgiften för att hålla en positiv Jon över natten Swappar kan ibland vara positiva Men i många fall kommer de att vara negativa oavsett riktning, så att utvärdera sina utgifter är avgörande för att göra långsiktiga Forex-strategier lönsamma. I vissa fall kan du använda en strategi där pipförstärkningen är liten Men bytet är gynnsamt för dig.3 Effekt mot avkastningsgrad. Tänk på att även med den bästa strategin kanske du inte når ditt vinstmål Detta kan lätt hända om du använder för lite hävstång Om du bara handlar med en liten mängd Kapital, bör du förvänta dig proportionerlig avkastning. På grund av detta måste du alltid överväga hur mycket tid du spenderar på handel i jämförelse med de mottagna monetära belöningarna. I de flesta fall borde du använda relativt stora mängder kapital för att göra insatsen mot avkastning som är värt. En bra Sätt att få en bättre känsla av vad avkastning du kommer att få för din tid utan att riskera din kapital är att öppna ett demokonto. Aktivera JavaScript för att se kommentarerna från Disqus. Risk varning Trading f Oreign-utbyte eller avtal om marginalskillnader medför en hög risknivå och kanske inte är lämplig för alla investerare. Det finns en möjlighet att du kan uppnå en förlust som är lika med eller större än hela din investering. Därför borde du inte investera eller riskera pengar Som du inte har råd att förlora Du bör se till att du förstår alla risker Innan du använder Admiral Markets UK Ltd tjänster, bekräfta riskerna i samband med handel. Innehållet på denna webbplats ska inte tolkas som personlig rådgivning. Admiral Markets UK Ltd rekommenderar dig att söka råd Från en oberoende finansiell rådgivare. Admiral Markets UK Ltd ägs helt av Admiral Markets Group AS Admiral Markets Group AS är ett holdingbolag och dess tillgångar är ett bestämmande kapitalandel i Admiral Markets AS och dess dotterbolag Admiral Markets UK Ltd och Admiral Markets Pty. Alla referenser på denna webbplats till Admiral Markets hänvisar till Admiral Markets UK Ltd och dotterbolag till Admiral Markets Group AS. Admiral Markets UK Ltd är auktoriserad och reglerad av Financial Conduct Authority FCA Register nr 595450. Admiral Markets UK Ltd är registrerat i England och Wales under Companies House Registreringsnummer 08171762 Företagsadress 16 St Clare Street, London EC3N 1LQ, UK. Effektiva långsiktiga strategier. Efter att ha observerat mina kunder handlar och observerar hur vissa valutapar beter sig, blev det uppenbart för mig att det är lättare att handla forex på lång sikt, då är det att handla det på kort sikt. Det finns många anledningar till varför det är lättare att byta forex på lång sikt än kort Termen nedan är bara några. Klicka här för att beställa din kopia av VXX Trend Following Strategy idag och vara en av de allra första handlarna för att utnyttja dessa unika strategier. Denna guidebok kommer att göra dig till en bättre och kraftfullare näringsidkare. Först titta bara på Veckotabell för valfri valutapar, det ser mycket jämnare ut med mycket mindre buller. Vår forskningsavdelning har testat system på dagliga, veckovisa, timmars och andra mindre intradagtidfrekvenser och jag T är uppenbart att ju större frekvensen på diagrammet desto bättre prestanda. Det är lättare att handla smidigare diagram. Marknaden tenderar också att panik och göra drastiska drag. Vanligtvis efterhand köper program för institutioner in och korrigerar det och rörelserna hamnar Vara bara noise. Third Forex marknaden är oreglerad och vanligtvis handlas utanför utbyte för detaljhandeln sålunda FCM s kan spika marknaden eftersom de tar en risk för en hel del affärer Genom att spika marknaden kan de göra mycket Av näringsidkare som har stannat i närheten av att förlora sina pengar till FCM Detta är en taktik som används av marknadsförare Om du handlar på lång sikt är du mycket mindre sannolikt att förlora i dessa situationer. En annan stor fråga är provisionerna Forex har mycket höga provisioner jämfört med Andra marknader Detta är vanligtvis inkorporerat i spridningen Så varje gång du gör en handel betalar du 30 till FCM Genom att handla på lång sikt handlar du mindre och betalar inte så mycket. Trend är din vän. En stor Egendom som Forex marknaden erbjuder är att det trender bra I den här artikeln kommer jag särskilt att koncentrera mig på EUR USD Detta är särskilt tydligt på ett längre tidsramat diagram som en vecka där allt det dagliga bullret elimineras Nedan är ett exempel på Ett veckovisa diagram över EUR USD med Heikin-Ashi Trend Candles Heikin-Ashi Trend Candles är ett utmärkt japanskt tekniskt verktyg vars proprietära formel är till nytta för att bestämma trenden för det här verktyget finns i ett mjukvarupaket som mitt företag erbjuder, om du skulle Vill du veta mer om paketet kan du gå med på ett gratis seminarium som de genomför varje onsdag klockan 21:00 EST genom att klicka på den här länken. Se hur bra marknaden tränade över den här 3-årsperioden och hur bra tog Heikin-Ashi Trend Candles trenden. Nycklar till handel Trenden. Nu som du förmodligen redan vet att jag predikar risk - och penninghantering och när det gäller trendhandel kan ingenting vara viktigare att risk - och penninghantering Under nästa sekund Tion Jag ska visa dig en grundläggande strategi för att handla trenden Även om neddragningarna blir ganska höga på grund av de oundvikliga whipsaw-perioderna när marknaden inte rör sig i handeln, kan trenden vara enklare än du tror Nu är den viktigaste kvaliteten du behöver ha som en Trendmäklare är en stark mage måste du verkligen kunna sitta genom dragningarna och fortsätta ta mer och mer affärer. Många framgångsrika handlare handlar trenden Jag är säker på att du känner till Boston Red Sox, deras ägare John W Henry gjorde mycket av Hans pengar trend handel Ett annat exempel är sköldpaddshandlare och Richard Donkien. Position Size Control. Now är det först och främst viktigt att kontrollera din position storlek när handeln trenden Detta är överlägset den viktigaste regelen The whipsaws kommer att vara ondska och kommer att orsaka Du förlorar mycket av ditt konto om du handlar till stora, för att inte tala om drabba dig psykiskt mycket. Många av mina kunder använder inte stopp eller mål eller verkligen följer någon intensiv teknik Cal analys Vad de gör är att handla helt i riktning mot den övergripande trenden, försök att handla i riktning mot SWAP samla intresse och sitta genom neddragningarna Om de hade stora positioner skulle de lätt kunna ringa marginell från sina affärer. Tekniskt sett Är extremt svårt att hålla sig själv ur marknaden under whipsaw perioder Detta är faktiskt nästan omöjligt enligt min åsikt Som en näringsidkare måste du ta varje handel med det system du handlar för, eftersom du aldrig vet vilken som kommer att bli den stora utbrottet Den period som du har väntat på som trendhandlare Nu är nyckeln från en riskhanteringssynpunkt att maximera det belopp som du gör på trenden och minimera det belopp som du förlorar på whipsawen inom ditt systems rike. Det finns en Några sätt att göra detta Många framgångsrika golvhandlare som använde pyramiden i sina affärer betyder att ta ställning och än lägga till en mindre del eftersom priset rör sig i riktning mot sin handel. Det här är en bra strategi, jag per Sonalt som att skala upp i dessa situationer vilket innebär att jag kommer att fortsätta att lägga samma storlek i min position vid varje utlösningspunkt. Nu är den viktiga taktiken i varje av dessa strategier att komma ur hela positionen så fort du får en utgångssignal baserat på Dina regler Detta kan vara en teknisk signal eller vinstmål. Fist taktiken är oerhört enkel och testades effektivt av vår forskningsavdelning. Andra filter kan läggas till denna taktik för att förbättra den. Ett av de system som våra fasta affärer lär och säljer är En variation av denna strategi. Långa inträde och avslut. Ange när priset går över de föregående veckorna högt. Lägg till positionen varje gång priset korsar över de föregående veckorna högt. Gå inte in mer än en gång per vecka, så om priset korsar under Föregående vecka s hög och korsar tillbaka ovanför det går inte in. Utöka hela långa positionen när priset korsar under de föregående veckorna lågt. Om de föregående veckorna är hög är inte den högsta höga av det speciella Flytta inte in i trade. Short Entry och Exit. Enter när priset korsar under föregående vecka s low. Add till positionen varje gång priset korsar under sina föregående veckor låga. Ange inte mer än en gång per vecka så om priset Korsar över föregående vecka s högt och kryssar tillbaka under det går inte in. Utför hela korta positionen när priset korsar under de föregående veckorna högt. Om de föregående veckorna låg är inte det lägsta låga av ett visst drag inte in i handeln. Så väsentligen med denna strategi är du alltid i handel Detta beror på att du bläddrar på positionen och anger med minimumsbeloppet om handeln över eller under nyckelnivån. Jag rekommenderar att du startar detta system med 1 till 1 hävstång och skala upp In i handeln vid varje signal Med andra ord bör du handla detta system med 1 mini-lot per 10 000 i ditt konto. I exemplet nedan skulle du ange länge med 1 enhet i din position varje gång du ser pekaren och avslutar och vrider ställningen Jon när du ser tummen ner. Denna strategi är extremt enkel och effektiv så länge du lyckas hantera din drawdown. Denna strategi är ett exempel på hur du kan använda riskhanteringsparametrar för att förbättra prestanda i ditt handelssystem. Jag rekommenderar att du använder extra filter Som ATR, ADX och volatilitet eftersom de hjälper dig att mäta styrkan i trenden. Om du vill lära dig vår avancerade version av det här systemet eller många andra system som vi erbjuder, kontakta mig på. Alexander Nekritin är en professionell näringsidkare med Över 8 års erfarenhet Hans specialiteter inkluderar riskhantering och systemutveckling Alexander är VD som är en Forex-introducerande mäklare och utbildningsföretag som hjälper svars kundernas behov i Forex Trading Alexander har en examen med en koncentration i Investment Banking och derivatinstrument från Babson College i Massachusetts. Långsiktiga handelsstrategi för Forex. Det finns många anledningar till varför jag tror att långsiktigt tradin G ställer dig upp för framgång mer än att använda mindre tidsramar för handel, och jag kommer att komma in i flera av dessa skäl i denna artikel. Jag lägger också ut några av dessa skäl i en mer ljushårig ton i min hårbotten vs swing Artikel som har fått stor uppmärksamhet. Det första jag vill göra är att klargöra att när jag säger Långsiktigt menar jag åtminstone att titta på de dagliga diagrammen tror jag att en av de stora problemen med Forex-handlare idag är att de är Så fångad i kortvarig handel och scalping vilket igen jag verkligen har svårt att tro att handlare kan vara lönsamma med att de inte ens inser vad långsiktig handel är. Jag har haft många handlare säga något sådant till mig Jag vill börja titta på långsiktig handel, eftersom scalping inte har fungerat för mig Jag använder nu en långsiktig strategi, som handlar timgrunderna. Se, jag tror att ovanstående uttalande är ett av problemen med Forex Traders idag och varför så många Har mycket problem att vara lönsam. För vissa Anledningen till att majoriteten av näringsidkare speciellt nybörjare är så böjda på scalping att de inte ens har en realistisk uppfattning om vad långsiktig handel verkligen är, jag känner min vän, Zaheer kommer överens med mig på den här. Så igen när jag pratar Om långsiktig handel, pratar jag om att använda Weekly-diagrammen och till och med månadsvisa som din guide för uppsättningspotential och - mål och kanske sedan använda en lägre tidsram för att faktiskt utföra handeln för mer precision. Innan jag får In i den faktiska strategin som jag vill dela med dig vill jag gräva lite mer till varför det rätta perspektivet är så viktigt när det gäller att handla långsiktiga strategier. Jag vet att många av er bara bryr sig om de riktiga riktlinjerna för strategin, men jag tror Att följande information om perspektiv och en helhetssyn är faktiskt viktigare än strategireglerna nedan om du håller med med mig om det. Som ett exempel på hur denna kortsiktiga tankegång kan få dig till problem, låt oss ta det Ea titta på EUR USD. Någon som tittar på EUR USD på ett 4HR-diagram skulle se något liknande här. EUR USD 4 HOUR CHART. In ovanstående diagram ser du att det finns en hel del hausseffekt som går mot högre höjder. Perspektiv ser det ut som om alla haussefulla fortsättningsuppsättningar kommer att vara bra poster men en längre sikt på EUR-USD vid samma exakta tid berättar en annan story. WEEKLY EUR USD CHART. You kan se genom att titta på veckotabellen , Att USD-dollarn ligger på lång sikt, och att den hausseiska rallyen på 4HR-diagrammet är bara en återkallning snarare än en rasande trend som den föreföll tidigare. Inte bara är det bara en pullback, men det är en Pullback rubriken in i osäkert motstånd utan omtanke om du bara tittar på 4HR och inte inser vad som händer på lång sikt. Om vi ​​går lite framåt i tiden kan du se en baisse-studsa av motståndsnivån. Till den näringsidkare som bara tittar på 4HR-diagram, det kan se ut som en bra tid att köpa igen i väntan på Bullish trend continuation. buy satt upp på eur usd. What 4HR trader kanske inte inser är att detta inte är en återhämtning av 4HR trenden, utan snarare en fortsättning på Weekly trend Så där den långsiktiga näringsidkaren ser uppenbar Bearish fortsättningspotential , Den kortfristiga näringsidkaren anser att detta bara är en pullback. Så till 4HR-näringsidkaren ser det ut som en oväntad stor omkastning på marknaden, men till en långsiktig näringsidkare är det en uppenbar och förväntad fortsättning av marknadsflödet, så här På den veckovisa visningen. Det är därför det är så viktigt att ha en långsiktig syn på marknaden, särskilt om du ska kalla dig en långsiktig näringsidkare igen, så många som tittar på 4HR-diagram tror att de är långsiktiga näringsidkare, men De ignorerar de verkliga långsiktiga tidsramarna och det kan få dig till stora problem precis som i det här exemplet i verkligheten. De två baisse veckobalken du ser skulle krossa någon som försöker ta långa positioner på 4-timmarschemat, men de är bara en del Av flödet på Weekly view. Now säger jag inte att du inte kan handla lönsamt på 4HR-diagrammen Jag säger att det är mycket svårt att göra konsekvent lönsamma affärer när du inte har ett bra perspektiv på marknaderna längre sikt rörelse, särskilt när du försöker Handla en mellanliggande tidsram som 1 eller 4 timmars tidsramar. Med det sagt, låt oss prata om min långsiktiga strategi för näringsidkare som vill vara lönsamma och konsekventa. En viktig anteckning om denna strategi är att du måste vara disciplinerad om du Vill lyckas Ja, du måste vara disciplinerad med alla strategier för att förvänta dig framgång, men speciellt om du vill handla en långsiktig strategi effektivt måste du styra dina känslor och vilja att komma in på marknaden. En av de största misstagen Att olönsamma näringsidkare gör är överhandel och överhanterar sina affärer Som människor har vi en önskan om handling och engagemang som tenderar att få oss att alltid vilja ha en handel öppen eller alltid vilja manipulera De affärer vi har öppet, och jag kan lova dig att detta bara kommer att leda till mindre och mindre lönsamhet. Om du vill lyckas med den långsiktiga strategi som jag presenterar för dig måste du acceptera att det inte kommer att bli en Massor av inlägg som är bra, enligt min åsikt och att det inte finns något behov av att hoppa in i den öppna handeln och hantera den. Här är hur strategin fungerar.1 Ta en titt på Månads - och veckokartorna. Letar efter trender på dessa längre siktdiagram som har bra fart i respekterad riktning Något som detta. VIKTIGT TRÄCK AV TREND. Identifiera riktningen för trendbjörnen eller tjuren och gör en anteckning för att bara leta efter poster i riktning mot den här trenden för instance, if it is a bullish trend, look for buys.2 Zoom into the Daily Chart and draw a Fibonacci Retracement from the current high to current low or the other way around. Here is how to draw a Fib Level for those that don t know.3 Look for pullbacks on the Daily time frame that are approaching the 38 2, 50 0, or 61 8 Fib Levels. usd cad daily forex chart. If price is getting close to one of those 3 key fib levels, be prepared to make an entry.4 Look for Candlestick Entry after Fib Level is Tested touched by Price. As soon as price touches a weekly Fib level, you are now in the waiting for signal mode In other words, the criteria has lined up for you to make a trade, now all you need is the signal to confirm your forecast. For this strategy, the signal is a momentum daily bar in the direction of our long term trend An ideal daily signal candle will have a tail that has tested pierced through the Fib level, but then reversed back into the direction of the trend. test of fib level.5 Take the Entry Place your stop and target.6 th Wait then win or lose. Just like I showed you in the video above some trades win and some lose. Don t try to manage the trade or get fancy, just trust the strategy and let the trade be a winner or a loser Trading is all about Math a good strategy has winners and losers, but at the end of the year, the winners out-weigh the loser They will in the strategy if you follow it with discipline. Hope you guys enjoyed learning one of my favorite long term strategies Please leave a comment with any feedbackment if you plan on trying the strategy or comment if you hate the strategy. Either way, I d love to get your feedback. Winners Edge Trading is offering a special discounted offer to our long term trading system Learn about it here limited-time SPECIAL OFFER. Enjoyed the writing and video s but will have to go over it again a few times as I am a newbie and using longterm for the fist time Thank you for the information, they are helpful and exciting. I think the reason most people try to scalp is they are taught to be scared of the market by teachers that are trading failures I agree with Nathan, the trader that is here for the long term is a swing trader data that can be used is measured in volumes instead of snippets next thing to get past is letting a profitable trade run and not being so scared of a loss you fail to maximize profits one piece of advice I would give every trader is learn enough about Elliott Wave to distinguish the difference between motive waves and corrective waves and once you see the tell tale sign of one, know what the most likely out come of the next move it a retrace or breakout, and how far is it expected to travel so I can set profit targets with no guess work and I can set stops that only trigger when I am proved to be wrong trading everyone Tim. Nathan, how do you deal with the swap rates with this longer term strategy. I trade this way but often have to close a trade due to the overnight swaps What broker do you use I am looking for a broker with competitive swap rates, I know some pairs have a positive value but I cant consider that when looking at the longer trends Thanks, Tom. Thanks Nathan An awesome strategy It is my favourite strategy My problem is I lack the necessary patience it needs to be profit able You wrote Trading is all about Math a good strategy has winners and losers, but at the end of the year, the winners out-weigh the losers They will, in the strategy, if you follow it with discipline if I may add, AND PATIENCE Great write-up Very encouraging I am definitely going back to this strategy in 2014.Excellent strategy, I have been looking for a good simple long term strategy, this will free up my time and still allow me to be involved in trading Thanks very much. Thanks for reading I am glad this article may serve as a useful piece of information for you Feel free to re-post here later on and let us know how your strategy is going using these longer time frames. Thanks Louis, I appreciate you taking the time to read and also leaving a comment Let me know how you do using this strategy. Hey Joe, thanks for the great comment, I really appreciate you putting the time and effort into adding value to this post with a great, informative comment I don t believe I have ever heard anyo ne lay out the reasons for using the daily chart as you did, and that is very interesting I would love to learn more about your strategy, Perhaps you could write out a nice explanation of it like I did in this article and we could post it on the blog as a guest post by you I am sure our readers would love to get your perspective. Hi Nathan, I agree with longer time frames and specifically days not hours, minutes or weeks I my self only trade off day charts, and these are my reasons 1 Spread eats up a large part of an intraday trade often 10 or maybe more 2 The broker is acting against you he loses if you win, and he wins if you lose This is in the fine print of all new accounts A dealing desk will give lower spreads but will actively make you lose 3 Days are the natural time frame for trading, where as hours or minutes or weeks are arbitrary units 4 Candles were always meant to be on days from the earliest time in Japan this is how they started 5 Days means you can plan trades at ease I think these are compelling reasons to trade from day charts, so that s what I do Joe PS If you are interested, I just look for trends and jump on I use pairs that naturally tend to trend for long distances such as the Euro crosses among others EURNZD etc I use MA8 and MA12 When the MAs are both rising, and the 8 is above the 12, I put a long entry just above the most recent high I trail along the MA8 until BE, then along the MA12 when it catches up I raise the stop to below a candle that suggests the trend may have ended eg a pin bar against my trade If it isn t taken out I wait for the MA12 to catch up and keep trailing the opposite of all this for shorts No fib levels used Pretty successful. Thanks for this, I have tried this some on dly hrly charts and had some success, but needed these s l target levels to work on your longterm trades with this system with advise outcome down the road. Thanks for the information, I plan to start the new year with longer time frames and I was going to use 4 hour charts But now I will look at weekly and daily charts more. HEY NATHAN, GOOD ARTICLE. AS FAR AS LONG TERM VS SHORT TERM, BEING SUCCESSFUL IS ABOUT FINDING WHAT SUITS YOUR PERSONALITY WHEN I STARTED TRADING FOR A LIVING I THOUGHT DAY TRADERS WERE NUTS I TRADED LONG TERM AND GOT KILLED BLEW UP 2 ACCOUNTS. THEN I TRIED SHORT TERM AND FOUND IT SUITED MY PERSONALITY WAY BETTER NOW I TRADE SYSTEMS USING 1HR, 15 MIN, 5 MIN AND 5 PIP RANGE BARS I AM A DISCIPLINED BUT NOT A PATIENT ONE THERE ARE THINGS YOU CAN PICK AND CHOOSE WHEN YOU TRADE, BUT YOU CAN T IGNORE WHAT YOU ARE. Pretty good stuff Tracy U a good honest Guy Compared to all the crapp out there in the Forex arena We appreciate u MERRY CHRISTMAS GOD BLESS. Hey Fabrice As always, thanks so much for your time and effort into learning and your constant appreciation it means a lot to us For me, candlesticks are definitely an important part of seeing levels One thing that speaks volumes to me are when there are repeated wicks of a ca ndle that tried to pierce through a certain price level but continued to get rejected This shows me that price has made multiple attempts to move to a higher or lower price but kept getting pushed back by the level When this happens over days and weeks on these longer time frames, I know that this is a big, important level Then, what I look to do, is pair that with another level For instance, if the major horizontal level also corresponds with a Fib from a recent swing or a current trend line, that adds even more value to the price level Once I clearly identify these important levels, I just wait for price action to react to them and then attempt to take advantage of the reaction If it is a trend line and horizontal combination and price rounds out right at the level and begins to continue the long term trend, I will certainly be looking to take that trend continuation trade because it is a high probability entry and, most importantly, I have very major level to protect me against pric e going against me even if it is trying to bounce the other way and retest the trendline level fib or whatever For me, candlesticks help me see price the best, but that definitely does not mean they are the only way to trade profitably it is just my personal preference and you should have your own preference too. Excellent and simple strategy Will be adopting this one. Hi Nathan, To me, this is excellent stuff with precious tips and avices like going WITH the longer time frames trend, where to put stop-loss and target, avoiding entry if major level is too close from entry, I will definitely put that strategy into my trading plan What I love with you and Casey is your honesty and transparency not ONLY showing winners but clearly saying and showing that we will loose too I am always amazed with the quality of your articles and the knowledge you already have at your young age How good wil you be at 30 or 40 Just one very basic question how do you define and recognize a major level do you al ways look at candle charts only to spot it Thanks so much for all your efforts in helping us trading with an edge. Hi Zaheer, thanks for reading and leaving some feedback. Let me address your questions.1 This pin bar occurs pretty often, about 30 of the time I d say, because often times price moves slightly through the major level before reversing back to respect the level.2 I typically use a risk of 5 per trade, but if my trade management strategy includes potentially adding to the trade, then I would adjust the risk to make sure that I don t have risk of more than 1 open at one time.3 In this strategy, I am not typically going to add to the trade if it does continue in the larger trend direction, because my target is going to be too short to use that methodology In order to make the strategy as high probability as possible, I am only targeting the bounce to the next major level which is not normally going to be far enough away for me to begin adding positions in my favor.4 The pip gain on the bounce method changes drastically depending on the pair and the largeness of the swing that you are using the fib retracement on For instance, if the swing is several thousand pips like a massive run on the GBP NZD the distance between the fib levels which directly affects my stop and target will be much much different than a 500 pip swing on the EUR GBP. Hope the above answers your questions appropriately. Thanks again for reading and leaving a comment. Zamolxis Forex Robot. Are forex robots the holy grail Should we use forex robots or should we trade manually What strategies are the best How do we determine which forex robot is the best and what are the best ways to use it Under what conditions do they work Why most commercial robots fail Are backtests useless I m trying to answer these questions, but keep in mind that I m not interested in short term high gains I m aiming long term consistent profits, between 3-10 every month Quick profit involves a very high risk, this is one o f forex golden rules 30-40 per year is awesome considering the fact that the bank interest doesn t exceed 2-5 per year the most. Long story short My robot, Zamolxis has made a 128 profit during one year and 6 months period Which means.3,000 pips, an account growth of 4 7 per month This is near our target We could have set a different target higher profits , but high profits come with high risks and we can t accept that as we re aiming for long term profits. Here, at we treat forex as a business And before we start a business, any business, we need to know when exactly will get back our main investment. According to investopedia The yield is the income return on an investment, such as the interest or dividends received from holding a particular security The yield is usually expressed as an annual percentage rate based on the investment s cost, current market value or face value. For example, suppose we buy a nice house for 3,00,000 and rent it At the end of the year, we get a nice 21,000 re venue, which gives us an yield of nearly 7 per year After 14 years of renting, we finally recovered our main investment. On the other side, forex is a more lucrative business if treated as a business because the yield is much higher Zamolxis has an average yield of 35 60 per year which comes with a risk of 20 If you want to lower the risk to 2 , the profit is also reduced at 6 This is comparable to the situation we described above. For those of you who don t have the money or time to buy a house and rent it, we propose Zamolxis. But before diving into details, let s see how it works. What exactly a bayesian classifier does and how can this be applied to forex trading. I have written a very comprehensive article about bayesian filters, everyone can understand it, please check it out here. In machine learning, Bayes classifiers are a family of simple probabilistic classifiers based on applying Bayes theorem with strong independence assumptions between the features For example, a winning trade is strongly correlated with certain factors like volatility, pivot points, the difference between previous high and low and so on My initial approach was to gather as many inputs as I can coming for any forex robots I could find on the market including the ones I myself created, please see the My forex robots portfolio section The general assumption was that, no matter what strategy the robot uses, trend, pullback, scalper, countertrend , a winning trade can be statistically identified For example, trading around support and resistance points has a higher success probability compared to simply trading blind If you add an extra filter, like volatility, the success probability increases But the main problem is that the market is dynamic, the trading conditions always changes Today is a good day for scalping, tomorrow might be a food day for trend followers, next week might be a great week for grid trading We already know that optimizing the robot is not the answer because we are always o ne step behind the market. Tu put it simply, a bayesian filter calculates the probability of success based on several factors like support and resistance points and if the probability is good enough, a trade is being opened My forex robot, called Zamolxis is a mixture of bayesian filters and perceptrons sometimes neural network classifiers work better under certain circumstances and this robot uses both. I have spent an entire year trying to gather as much data as possible in order to feed the neural networks and bayesian filters Then, I let them learn and classify the market conditions all by themselves, no optimization was performed It survived in the wild without any optimization or tweaking The purpose was merely survival and learning, without any kind of trade filtering whatsoever, not the profit Now, the test is over and it s time to see the results This time, the robot is fully trained and ready to make money You can see the results here live account. My own demo forward test here. How does Zamolxis work. At first, it was a complete mystery to me why all forex robots fail in spite of such great backtests The answer is simple the market changes and it doesn t always follow past conditions You have to face many months and years of drawdown before you see the light at the end of the tunnel again What is my solution to this problem The approach is different First of all, I don t care about the drawdown anymore The lot gets increased after 3 or more losses and the robot recovers fast, the only thing I care is to keep a lower losing streak, in my case, no more than 7 losses in a row. This is not martingale, it s position sizing. The recovery function has nothing to do with martingale Martingale involves opening multiple positions while doubling the lot size and keeping them open until the all are closed for a profit or the account gets blown This is the fastest way to lose the account. My recovery function doesn t involve martingale, but position sizing, which is a very di fferent thing Zamolxis opens one position at a time. No system is highly profitable on the long run unless it is using some sort of recovery function or position sizing Zamolxis wins 51 of the trades considering the fact that take profit is always higher than stop loss It is profitable even without any recovery function but the profit is low Besides, nobody has the time to wait for years of drawdown, we already know that from our past adventures with forex robots That s why I created a realistic recovery function. I have backtested the robot from 2009 to 2016, saved all winning settings, then backtested it against unseen data, from 2003 to 2009 If the losing streak and drawdown doesn t change than I considered that setting to be a valid one and discarded the rest If the losing streak gets higher than 6, the strategy gets invalidated by the market changes and the robot has to be retrained Please note that this is not the holy grail, there is no such thing, it s just a trading tool. At the close of every bar, the market conditions are analyzed and classified with a bayesian filter and a neural network If the feedback is similar, the robot opens a trade Take profit is usually higher than stop loss, making the robot more reliable and trustworthy. It runs on multiple currencies, the supported currencies are EURUSD H1 , AUDUSD H1 , GBPUSD H1 , EURJPY H1 and USDJPY M30.It has a solid recovery function, the lot gets increased after 3 or more consecutive losses A very fast recovery is expected. Sometimes is trades every signal, sometimes it doesn t After a more careful analysis I reached the conclusion that sometimes, under certain conditions opening at every signal is a bad thing to do Why Suppose we re talking about a forex robot that opens a trade every time the current candle closes above bellow a moving average When a violent trend occurs many trades are being opened and if a more violent reversal occurs then we re out It s wiser to analyze the market conditions before start ing to open more than one trade in the same direction for the same strategy. Is a very and I mean very frequent trader, you won t get bored watching it. Pattern validation. If the market suffers major changes, the pattern is no longer valid and the robot should be retrained in order to learn the new market patterns. As I said before, it was a complete mystery to me why 99 of forex robots fail in spite of such great backtests One possible answer to this question is over-optimization curve fitting The forex robot is optimized from 2000 to 2016 and only the best looking equity curve is selected This is terribly wrong because that nice looking equity curve is only an accident that doesn t repeat so often in real trading Therefore, as a consequence, the robot fails a few month after the launch. A second possible answer is that the market changes to some degree and the strategy no longer works until the market changes in our favor again. My approach is different Stop loss is smaller than Take Prof it and no more than 6-7 losing trades in a row are allowed The recovery function makes sure that we are in profit all the time. I trained the robot from 2009 to 2016 and then tested it against unseen data, from 2003 to 2009 If the number of consecutive losses in a row doesn t change, then the pattern is solid enough. If the number of allowed losses is exceeded, then the market changed and the robot should be retrained. How recovery function works. The way this robot is designed is very important I need to know if the backtests are valid or not, this is the main problem of all forex robots. Optimizing the wrong way 99 of forex robot vendors are doing it, intentionally or not. The robot is optimized for the whole testing period, for example between 2000 and 2016 It selects only the best trades, the equity curve looks nice, everything is fine, then after a few months, it bites the dust At first, as I stated before it was a complete mystery to me why Then I realized that the market does not beha ve according to our backtests, the conditions change and therefore the pattern is broken The second important thing is that backtesting this way there is no checking procedure How can we tell if the backtest is valid or not We can t. Optimizing the right way. The robot is optimized using data between 2003 and 2009 Then, the robot is tested against unseen data, between 2009 and 2016 If the drawdown length, drawdown depth and number of consecutive losses remains the same, then the strategy is valid This is our main assumption. What is new in the current version v30.1 Trailing stop We don t want to lose the profits entirely if the market turns against us, especially when the traded lot size is bigger, therefore the robot has not the ability to decide when the trailling stop should be activated If the market goes in our favor, we can follow it and win big.2 Lot increment algorithm has been changed Suppose the starting lot is 0 1, then the lot increment goes as follows. If the 7th trade is lost , then the next lot size equals initial lot of 0 1 and the cycle continues If you lose a 7 trades cycle which never happened during 10 years of backtests , you lose 20 of your account, which will be recovered in no more than 3-4 months Awesome, right. However, thanks to the trailing stop function we added, if the lot size of a trade is 0 1 the initial lot size and the profit for that trade is higher than the initial tp, the lot size doesn t increment even if the next 3 trades are lost Why Because we are still in profit overall and we can afford to take one more loss or more with lot 0 1 initial lot Now we can win big if the market goes our way and we can take many future losses without the need to increment the lot size. To put it simple, the lot size rarely increases And this is a huge step forward because the risk is highly reduced.3 Multi currency trader without additional controller If for trades trades we have a profit of pips pips, the lot size doesn t get incremented For example, if trades 20 and pips 200, it means that for the last 20 trades all currencies we have a total profit of 200 pips We are satisfied with it and we don t see the point of increasing the next lot size even if the last trade has ended with a loss.4 Protection against stop loss hunting As much as we like to hide the sl and tp levels from brokers, is very unsafe to do it because the market may turn violently against us wiping up the account sl and tp remains in place, but there is an additional hidden function which does exactly that if the broker doesn t close the trade for profit even if tp is in place, the function activates and closes the trade.5 You can now close the trades manually for loss or profit You could have done it in the previous version also, but now all bugs have been fixed.6 The core algorithm has been reoptimized Neural networks and bayesian filters has been improved, the main purpose is to reduce the risk of ruin.7 New tp and sl setting feature In the previous version, th e sl and tp levels are not set when opening a trade, the trade is modified right after opening with the desired sl and tp levels Now you could activate the function which enables you to set tp and sl when opening a trade A rather useless function you may say, but some clients reported that this is the only way Zamolxis works on their broker, by setting tp and sl when opening a trade, not after.8 Please welcome to our new pair EURJPY. If you ask me, I think I succeeded in getting the best out of forex robot trading This page will serve as inspiration source for many forex robot vendors, but it s ok. So, is it more profitable than the previous version v20 Short answer is no, the overall profit is almost the same, but the safety is highly improved, the risk has been greatly reduced Please take a look at this picture, it s a comparison between the previous version and the current one. Let s take USDJPY for example Version 2 0 produces a profit of 145 18 and only 1532 pips Version 3 0 produces a profit of 102 15 and 3410 pips Which means the version s 2 0 higher profitability comes from a large number of increased lots which leads to a much larger risk See the difference. Let s see how it trades in the wild, how profits are protected in version 3 0.Thanks to our trailing stop function we added, sometimes when the market conditions are appropriate, you only risk 8 pips in order to get 82.Now, take a look at both forward tests The new version produced 1600 pips within 2 months while the previous one produced 3000 pips within 18 months The profitability is now focused on individual trades instead of just increasing lots This is a huge step forward. Overall profitability, if all pairs are traded in portfolio, is the same All years are profitable. Portfolio EURUSD, AUDUSD, GBPUSD, EURJPY, USDJPY. When I designed this system I had the followings in mind. I don t have the patience to suffer many years of drawdown Ok, I m finally admitting it, I m not a patient man even if I m doing all my best to become one But leaving aside my lack of patience, what s the point of waiting 2-3 years without even being certain of further recovery So, I m not willing to wait for recovery more than 3 months, the most The portfolio analysis shows a maximum drawdown period of 70 days, but in real life trading I m sure that it will be extended to 3-4 months Ok, so no more than 4 months without profit Please take a look at my former portfolio, for example read this post the main problem is the drawdown length Without a nice recovery function, you are doomed to wait for a hypothetical recovery for years. Drawdown depth should be no more than 25 of my account, the most I m willing to take such a risk if the recovery is fast Portfolio analysis shows a maximum drawdown of 15 but as I said before, real trading conditions are different and I m expecting a 25 drawdown. I have to know exactly when the strategy becomes invalid and when the robot should be retrained. Is the profit guaranteed. No, of cou rse not, aren t you tired of being scammed Nobody can guarantee the profit, no one can foresee the future and market changes All we can do is try our best according to our current knowledge of math, programming and statistics. Zamolxis Tradind System. Long Term Trading Strategy for Forex. There are a lot of reasons why I believe that longer term trading sets you up for success more so than using smaller time frames to trade, and I will get into several of those reasons within this article. I also lay out a few of those reasons in a more light-hearted tone in my Scalp vs Swing Article which has gotten a lot of attention. The first thing I want to do is clarify that when I say Long Term I am meaning at least looking on the daily charts I believe that one of the big issues with Forex traders today is that they are so caught up in short-term trading and scalping which again, I really do have a hard time believing traders can be profitable with , that they don t even recognize what long term tra ding is. I have had many traders say something like this to me I want to begin looking at long term trading because scalping has not worked for me I am now using a long term strategy, trading the hourly charts. See, I think the above statement is one of the issues with Forex Traders today and why so many have a lot of trouble being profitable. For some reason, the majority of traders especially beginners are so bent on scalping that they don t even have a realistic idea of what long term trading really is I know my friend, Zaheer will agree with me on this one. So again, when I am talking about Long Term Trading, I am talking about using the Weekly charts and even the Monthly as your guide for set-up potential and targets, and then, perhaps, using a lower time frame to actually execute the trade for more precision. Before I get into the actual strategy I want to share with you, I want dig a little more into why the right perspective is so important when it comes to trading long term strateg ies I know that many of you only care about the actual strategy guidelines, but I believe that the following information about perspective and a holistic approach is actually more important than the strategy guidelines comment below if you agree disagree with me on that. As an example of how this Short Term Mindset can get you into trouble, let s take a look at the EUR USD. Someone looking at the EUR USD on a 4HR chart would see something like this. EUR USD 4 HOUR CHART. In the above chart, you see that there is a lot of bullish momentum moving toward higher highs From this perspective, it looks as though all bullish continuation set-ups will be great entries however, a longer term view of the EUR USD at the same exact time tells a different story. WEEKLY EUR USD CHART. You can see by looking at the Weekly chart, that the EUR USD is in a long term down trend, and that the bullish rally on the 4HR chart is just a pull-back rather than a raging trend as it appeared before. Not only is it only a pullback, but it is a pullback heading into unsuspected resistance unsuspected if you only look at the 4HR and don t realize what is going on long term. If we move a little bit ahead in time, you can see a bearish bounce off the resistance level To the trader viewing only the 4HR chart, this may look like a great time to buy again in anticipation of Bullish trend continuation. buy set up on eur usd. What the 4HR trader may not realize is that this is not a pullback of the 4HR trend, but rather a continuation of the Weekly trend So, where the long term trader sees obvious Bearish continuation potential, the short term trader thinks this is just a pullback. So to the 4HR trader, this looks like an unexpected major reversal in the market, but to a long term trader, it is an obvious and expected continuation of market flow, looking like this on the Weekly view. This is why it is so important to have a long term view of the market ESPECIALLY if you are going to call yourself a long term trader Again, so many people looking at 4HR charts think they are long term traders, but they are ignoring the real long term time frames and that can get you into big trouble just like in this real life example Those two bearish weekly bars you see would crush someone trying to take long positions on the 4 Hour chart, yet they are just part of the flow on the Weekly view. Now, I am not saying that you cannot trade profitably on the 4HR charts I am saying that it is very difficult to make consistently profitable trades when you do not have a good perspective of the markets longer term movement especially when trying to trade an intermediate time frame like the 1 or 4 hour time frames. With that said, let s talk about my long term strategy for traders who want to be profitable and consistent. One major note about this strategy is that you must be disciplined if you want to succeed Yes, you need to be disciplined with all strategies to expect success, but in particular, if you want to trade a long term strategy effectively, you must control your emotions and desire to get into the market. One of the biggest mistakes that unprofitable traders make is over-trading and over-managing their trades As human beings, we have the desire for action and involvement which tends to cause us to always want to have a trade open or always want to manipulate the trades we do have open, and I can promise you that this will only lead to less and less profitability. If you want to be successful using the long term strategy that I am presenting to you, you must accept that there will not be a ton of entries which is a good thing, in my opinion and that there will not be a need to jump in to the open trade and manage it. Here is how the strategy works.1 T ake a look at the Monthly and Weekly charts. Looks for trends on these longer term charts that have good momentum in the respected direction Something like this. WEEKLY CHART OF TREND. Identify the direction of the trend bear or bull and make a note to o nly look for entries in the direction of that trend for instance, if it is a bullish trend, look for buys.2 Zoom into the Daily Chart and draw a Fibonacci Retracement from the current high to current low or the other way around. Here is how to draw a Fib Level for those that don t know.3 Look for pullbacks on the Daily time frame that are approaching the 38 2, 50 0, or 61 8 Fib Levels. usd cad daily forex chart. If price is getting close to one of those 3 key fib levels, be prepared to make an entry.4 Look for Candlestick Entry after Fib Level is Tested touched by Price. As soon as price touches a weekly Fib level, you are now in the waiting for signal mode In other words, the criteria has lined up for you to make a trade, now all you need is the signal to confirm your forecast. For this strategy, the signal is a momentum daily bar in the direction of our long term trend An ideal daily signal candle will have a tail that has tested pierced through the Fib level, but then reversed back into the direction of the trend. test of fib level.5 Take the Entry Place your stop and target.6 th Wait then win or lose. Just like I showed you in the video above some trades win and some lose. Don t try to manage the trade or get fancy, just trust the strategy and let the trade be a winner or a loser Trading is all about Math a good strategy has winners and losers, but at the end of the year, the winners out-weigh the loser They will in the strategy if you follow it with discipline. Hope you guys enjoyed learning one of my favorite long term strategies Please leave a comment with any feedbackment if you plan on trying the strategy or comment if you hate the strategy. Either way, I d love to get your feedback. Winners Edge Trading is offering a special discounted offer to our long term trading system Learn about it here limited-time SPECIAL OFFER. Enjoyed the writing and video s but will have to go over it again a few times as I am a newbie and using longterm for the fist time Thank you for the information, they are helpful and exciting. I think the reason most people try to scalp is they are taught to be scared of the market by teachers that are trading failures I agree with Nathan, the trader that is here for the long term is a swing trader data that can be used is measured in volumes instead of snippets next thing to get past is letting a profitable trade run and not being so scared of a loss you fail to maximize profits one piece of advice I would give every trader is learn enough about Elliott Wave to distinguish the difference between motive waves and corrective waves and once you see the tell tale sign of one, know what the most likely out come of the next move it a retrace or breakout, and how far is it expected to travel so I can set profit targets with no guess work and I can set stops that only trigger when I am proved to be wrong trading everyone Tim. Nathan, how do you deal with the swap rates with this longer term strategy. I trade this way but often have to close a trade due to the overnight swaps What broker do you use I am looking for a broker with competitive swap rates, I know some pairs have a positive value but I cant consider that when looking at the longer trends Thanks, Tom. Thanks Nathan An awesome strategy It is my favourite strategy My problem is I lack the necessary patience it needs to be profitable You wrote Trading is all about Math a good strategy has winners and losers, but at the end of the year, the winners out-weigh the losers They will, in the strategy, if you follow it with discipline if I may add, AND PATIENCE Great write-up Very encouraging I am definitely going back to this strategy in 2014.Excellent strategy, I have been looking for a good simple long term strategy, this will free up my time and still allow me to be involved in trading Thanks very much. Thanks for reading I am glad this article may serve as a useful piece of information for you Feel free to re-post here later on and let us know how your strategy is going using these longer time frames. Thanks Louis, I appreciate you taking the time to read and also leaving a comment Let me know how you do using this strategy. Hey Joe, thanks for the great comment, I really appreciate you putting the time and effort into adding value to this post with a great, informative comment I don t believe I have ever heard anyone lay out the reasons for using the daily chart as you did, and that is very interesting I would love to learn more about your strategy, Perhaps you could write out a nice explanation of it like I did in this article and we could post it on the blog as a guest post by you I am sure our readers would love to get your perspective. Hi Nathan, I agree with longer time frames and specifically days not hours, minutes or weeks I my self only trade off day charts, and these are my reasons 1 Spread eats up a large part of an intraday trade often 10 or maybe more 2 The broker is acting against you he loses if you win, and he wins if you lose This is i n the fine print of all new accounts A dealing desk will give lower spreads but will actively make you lose 3 Days are the natural time frame for trading, where as hours or minutes or weeks are arbitrary units 4 Candles were always meant to be on days from the earliest time in Japan this is how they started 5 Days means you can plan trades at ease I think these are compelling reasons to trade from day charts, so that s what I do Joe PS If you are interested, I just look for trends and jump on I use pairs that naturally tend to trend for long distances such as the Euro crosses among others EURNZD etc I use MA8 and MA12 When the MAs are both rising, and the 8 is above the 12, I put a long entry just above the most recent high I trail along the MA8 until BE, then along the MA12 when it catches up I raise the stop to below a candle that suggests the trend may have ended eg a pin bar against my trade If it isn t taken out I wait for the MA12 to catch up and keep trailing the opposite of all this for shorts No fib levels used Pretty successful. Thanks for this, I have tried this some on dly hrly charts and had some success, but needed these s l target levels to work on your longterm trades with this system with advise outcome down the road. Thanks for the information, I plan to start the new year with longer time frames and I was going to use 4 hour charts But now I will look at weekly and daily charts more. HEY NATHAN, GOOD ARTICLE. AS FAR AS LONG TERM VS SHORT TERM, BEING SUCCESSFUL IS ABOUT FINDING WHAT SUITS YOUR PERSONALITY WHEN I STARTED TRADING FOR A LIVING I THOUGHT DAY TRADERS WERE NUTS I TRADED LONG TERM AND GOT KILLED BLEW UP 2 ACCOUNTS. THEN I TRIED SHORT TERM AND FOUND IT SUITED MY PERSONALITY WAY BETTER NOW I TRADE SYSTEMS USING 1HR, 15 MIN, 5 MIN AND 5 PIP RANGE BARS I AM A DISCIPLINED BUT NOT A PATIENT ONE THERE ARE THINGS YOU CAN PICK AND CHOOSE WHEN YOU TRADE, BUT YOU CAN T IGNORE WHAT YOU ARE. Pretty good stuff Tracy U a good honest Guy Compared to all the cra pp out there in the Forex arena We appreciate u MERRY CHRISTMAS GOD BLESS. Hey Fabrice As always, thanks so much for your time and effort into learning and your constant appreciation it means a lot to us For me, candlesticks are definitely an important part of seeing levels One thing that speaks volumes to me are when there are repeated wicks of a candle that tried to pierce through a certain price level but continued to get rejected This shows me that price has made multiple attempts to move to a higher or lower price but kept getting pushed back by the level When this happens over days and weeks on these longer time frames, I know that this is a big, important level Then, what I look to do, is pair that with another level For instance, if the major horizontal level also corresponds with a Fib from a recent swing or a current trend line, that adds even more value to the price level Once I clearly identify these important levels, I just wait for price action to react to them and then at tempt to take advantage of the reaction If it is a trend line and horizontal combination and price rounds out right at the level and begins to continue the long term trend, I will certainly be looking to take that trend continuation trade because it is a high probability entry and, most importantly, I have very major level to protect me against price going against me even if it is trying to bounce the other way and retest the trendline level fib or whatever For me, candlesticks help me see price the best, but that definitely does not mean they are the only way to trade profitably it is just my personal preference and you should have your own preference too. Excellent and simple strategy Will be adopting this one. Hi Nathan, To me, this is excellent stuff with precious tips and avices like going WITH the longer time frames trend, where to put stop-loss and target, avoiding entry if major level is too close from entry, I will definitely put that strategy into my trading plan What I love wi th you and Casey is your honesty and transparency not ONLY showing winners but clearly saying and showing that we will loose too I am always amazed with the quality of your articles and the knowledge you already have at your young age How good wil you be at 30 or 40 Just one very basic question how do you define and recognize a major level do you always look at candle charts only to spot it Thanks so much for all your efforts in helping us trading with an edge. Hi Zaheer, thanks for reading and leaving some feedback. Let me address your questions.1 This pin bar occurs pretty often, about 30 of the time I d say, because often times price moves slightly through the major level before reversing back to respect the level.2 I typically use a risk of 5 per trade, but if my trade management strategy includes potentially adding to the trade, then I would adjust the risk to make sure that I don t have risk of more than 1 open at one time.3 In this strategy, I am not typically going to add to the trade if it does continue in the larger trend direction, because my target is going to be too short to use that methodology In order to make the strategy as high probability as possible, I am only targeting the bounce to the next major level which is not normally going to be far enough away for me to begin adding positions in my favor.4 The pip gain on the bounce method changes drastically depending on the pair and the largeness of the swing that you are using the fib retracement on For instance, if the swing is several thousand pips like a massive run on the GBP NZD the distance between the fib levels which directly affects my stop and target will be much much different than a 500 pip swing on the EUR GBP. Hope the above answers your questions appropriately. Thanks again for reading and leaving a comment. Why Us From the latest technology to protecting your funds, see why we re the best trading partner. Regulatory Authorisation Admiral Markets UK Ltd is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in UK. Contact Us Leave feedback, ask questions, drop by our office or simply call us. News Check out most recent news about our company, events, trading condtions positional trading. The idea behind this approach is making fewer transactions that produce larger individual gains While traders harnessing this strategy usually aim to make at least 200 pips per trade, their opportunities are far more limited. As a result, traders who use this approach require thorough preparation and substantial knowledge. Long-term strategies for trading FX. Positional trading exemplifies how to trade Forex long-term It involves identifying a trend, then following it for weeks or months. In some cases, traders have followed a trend for over a year When applying long-term Forex trading, buy based on expectations and sell based on facts. For example, speculators like George Soros heavily shorted the British pound in 1992 They were skeptical of the UK s ability to maintain fixed exchange rates at the time The country pulled the pound from the ERM 22 September 1992 and Soros made more than 1 billion on the deal. If you re seeking a more practical example of a long-term currency trading strategy, open a long position on the GBP USD, based on your belief that the currency pair will push higher after the upcoming British election Once you find out how the currency pair moves post-election, you can either close this position or keep it open. Keep in mind that if you trade the GBP USD you should consider economic events not only in the UK but also in the US Conduct thorough analysis on the economies of the two currencies and be sure to evaluate the potential for unforeseen events. This information is all you need to develop a long-term Forex trading strategy, but hey further education is always a good idea. A long-term strategy example. The previous section provided some general information on trading Forex long-term Now let s look at a long-term strategy in greater detail. Let s say you are a For ex trader based in the US and some political events have taken place that will likely impact USD Using the information you have at your disposal, you should analyse where the USD will go. If you think there is a good chance the currency will move in line with your forecast, you can begin your long-term Forex trading strategy by opening a USD pair position that reflects your prediction. But before doing so, you should consider where the second currency will likely go If you want to be conservative, pick a quote where you think the second currency will have the highest amount of stability. For example, if the developments affecting your currency pair are tied to the Middle East, your analysis might reveal that Japan lacks tight trade agreements with countries in the region, and the Japanese yen JPY has historically enjoyed stability. This information might lead you to think that the perfect pair for this trade would be the USD JPY. Once you figure this out, you should double-check your expect ations, then list all known plus expected events and their outcomes Covering all these variables is how you develop this and any other long-term currency trading strategy. How to trade Forex long-term. There are several tips that can enhance your FX trading. For starters, don t let your emotions affect your trading because they can seriously undermine your performance Turning losing trades into winning ones can be a challenge, but it can also be difficult to close a position out early and lose out on potential gains. No matter what happens, stick to your strategy. Every time you open a position, predict where the currency will go and how large the price movement will be You must also ensure that every trade has both a profit target and a stop-loss. Always have them figured out before you start using a long-term Forex strategy. Long-term trading best practices. While everyone has a different approach to trading, there are some general guidelines that apply to most positional traders These guide lines are based primarily on risk management and the FX market s inherent nature. Let s explore how they might enhance your trading strategies.1 Use very small leverage. When doing positional trading, you should stick to volumes that make up a small percentage of your margin One of your major considerations for long-term currency trading is ensuring you can easily sustain any common intraday or even intra-week volatility. Since a currency pair can easily move a few hundred pips in a day, you should make sure these price fluctuations won t trigger a stop-loss.2 Pay attention to Swaps. While trading Forex long-term can generate promising revenues, what really matters is profit. Pay close attention to swaps the fee charged for holding a position overnight Swaps can sometimes be positive But in many cases, they will be negative regardless of direction, so evaluating their expenses is crucial to making long-term Forex strategies profitable. In some cases, you can use a strategy where the pip gain is small but the Swap is favourable for you.3 Effort vs return ratio. Keep in mind that even with the best strategy, you may not reach your profit target This could easily happen if you use too little leverage If you only trade with a small amount of capital, you should expect proportionate returns. Because of this, always consider the amount of time spent on trading compared to the monetary rewards received. In most cases, you should use relatively large amounts of capital to make the effort vs return ratio worthwhile A great way to get a better sense of what return you will receive for your time without risking your capital is to open a demo account. Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. Risk warning Trading foreign exchange or contracts for differences on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors There is a possibility that you may sustain a loss equal to or greater than your entire investment Therefore, you should not inve st or risk money that you cannot afford to lose You should ensure you understand all of the risks Before using Admiral Markets UK Ltd services please acknowledge the risks associated with trading. The content of this Website must not be construed as personal advice Admiral Markets UK Ltd recommends you seek advice from an independent financial advisor. Admiral Markets UK Ltd is fully owned by Admiral Markets Group AS Admiral Markets Group AS is a holding company and its assets are a controlling equity interest in Admiral Markets AS and its subsidiaries, Admiral Markets UK Ltd and Admiral Markets Pty. All references on this site to Admiral Markets refer to Admiral Markets UK Ltd and subsidiaries of Admiral Markets Group AS. Admiral Markets UK Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority FCA Register No 595450.Admiral Markets UK Ltd is registered in England and Wales under Companies House Registered Number 08171762 Company address 16 St Clare Street, London EC3N 1LQ, UK. Zamolxis Forex Robot. Are forex robots the holy grail Should we use forex robots or should we trade manually What strategies are the best How do we determine which forex robot is the best and what are the best ways to use it Under what conditions do they work Why most commercial robots fail Are backtests useless I m trying to answer these questions, but keep in mind that I m not interested in short term high gains I m aiming long term consistent profits, between 3-10 every month Quick profit involves a very high risk, this is one of forex golden rules 30-40 per year is awesome considering the fact that the bank interest doesn t exceed 2-5 per year the most. Long story short My robot, Zamolxis has made a 128 profit during one year and 6 months period Which means.3,000 pips, an account growth of 4 7 per month This is near our target We could have set a different target higher profits , but high profits come with high risks and we can t accept that as we re aiming for long term profits. Her e, at we treat forex as a business And before we start a business, any business, we need to know when exactly will get back our main investment. According to investopedia The yield is the income return on an investment, such as the interest or dividends received from holding a particular security The yield is usually expressed as an annual percentage rate based on the investment s cost, current market value or face value. For example, suppose we buy a nice house for 3,00,000 and rent it At the end of the year, we get a nice 21,000 revenue, which gives us an yield of nearly 7 per year After 14 years of renting, we finally recovered our main investment. On the other side, forex is a more lucrative business if treated as a business because the yield is much higher Zamolxis has an average yield of 35 60 per year which comes with a risk of 20 If you want to lower the risk to 2 , the profit is also reduced at 6 This is comparable to the situation we described above. For those of you who don t ha ve the money or time to buy a house and rent it, we propose Zamolxis. But before diving into details, let s see how it works. What exactly a bayesian classifier does and how can this be applied to forex trading. I have written a very comprehensive article about bayesian filters, everyone can understand it, please check it out here. In machine learning, Bayes classifiers are a family of simple probabilistic classifiers based on applying Bayes theorem with strong independence assumptions between the features For example, a winning trade is strongly correlated with certain factors like volatility, pivot points, the difference between previous high and low and so on My initial approach was to gather as many inputs as I can coming for any forex robots I could find on the market including the ones I myself created, please see the My forex robots portfolio section The general assumption was that, no matter what strategy the robot uses, trend, pullback, scalper, countertrend , a winning trade can be statistically identified For example, trading around support and resistance points has a higher success probability compared to simply trading blind If you add an extra filter, like volatility, the success probability increases But the main problem is that the market is dynamic, the trading conditions always changes Today is a good day for scalping, tomorrow might be a food day for trend followers, next week might be a great week for grid trading We already know that optimizing the robot is not the answer because we are always one step behind the market. Tu put it simply, a bayesian filter calculates the probability of success based on several factors like support and resistance points and if the probability is good enough, a trade is being opened My forex robot, called Zamolxis is a mixture of bayesian filters and perceptrons sometimes neural network classifiers work better under certain circumstances and this robot uses both. I have spent an entire year trying to gather as much data as possible in order to feed the neural networks and bayesian filters Then, I let them learn and classify the market conditions all by themselves, no optimization was performed It survived in the wild without any optimization or tweaking The purpose was merely survival and learning, without any kind of trade filtering whatsoever, not the profit Now, the test is over and it s time to see the results This time, the robot is fully trained and ready to make money You can see the results here live account. My own demo forward test here. How does Zamolxis work. At first, it was a complete mystery to me why all forex robots fail in spite of such great backtests The answer is simple the market changes and it doesn t always follow past conditions You have to face many months and years of drawdown before you see the light at the end of the tunnel again What is my solution to this problem The approach is different First of all, I don t care about the drawdown anymore The lot gets increased after 3 or more losses and the robot recovers fast, the only thing I care is to keep a lower losing streak, in my case, no more than 7 losses in a row. This is not martingale, it s position sizing. The recovery function has nothing to do with martingale Martingale involves opening multiple positions while doubling the lot size and keeping them open until the all are closed for a profit or the account gets blown This is the fastest way to lose the account. My recovery function doesn t involve martingale, but position sizing, which is a very different thing Zamolxis opens one position at a time. No system is highly profitable on the long run unless it is using some sort of recovery function or position sizing Zamolxis wins 51 of the trades considering the fact that take profit is always higher than stop loss It is profitable even without any recovery function but the profit is low Besides, nobody has the time to wait for years of drawdown, we already know that from our past adventures with forex rob ots That s why I created a realistic recovery function. I have backtested the robot from 2009 to 2016, saved all winning settings, then backtested it against unseen data, from 2003 to 2009 If the losing streak and drawdown doesn t change than I considered that setting to be a valid one and discarded the rest If the losing streak gets higher than 6, the strategy gets invalidated by the market changes and the robot has to be retrained Please note that this is not the holy grail, there is no such thing, it s just a trading tool. At the close of every bar, the market conditions are analyzed and classified with a bayesian filter and a neural network If the feedback is similar, the robot opens a trade Take profit is usually higher than stop loss, making the robot more reliable and trustworthy. It runs on multiple currencies, the supported currencies are EURUSD H1 , AUDUSD H1 , GBPUSD H1 , EURJPY H1 and USDJPY M30.It has a solid recovery function, the lot gets increased after 3 or more consecuti ve losses A very fast recovery is expected. Sometimes is trades every signal, sometimes it doesn t After a more careful analysis I reached the conclusion that sometimes, under certain conditions opening at every signal is a bad thing to do Why Suppose we re talking about a forex robot that opens a trade every time the current candle closes above bellow a moving average When a violent trend occurs many trades are being opened and if a more violent reversal occurs then we re out It s wiser to analyze the market conditions before starting to open more than one trade in the same direction for the same strategy. Is a very and I mean very frequent trader, you won t get bored watching it. Pattern validation. If the market suffers major changes, the pattern is no longer valid and the robot should be retrained in order to learn the new market patterns. As I said before, it was a complete mystery to me why 99 of forex robots fail in spite of such great backtests One possible answer to this question i s over-optimization curve fitting The forex robot is optimized from 2000 to 2016 and only the best looking equity curve is selected This is terribly wrong because that nice looking equity curve is only an accident that doesn t repeat so often in real trading Therefore, as a consequence, the robot fails a few month after the launch. A second possible answer is that the market changes to some degree and the strategy no longer works until the market changes in our favor again. My approach is different Stop loss is smaller than Take Profit and no more than 6-7 losing trades in a row are allowed The recovery function makes sure that we are in profit all the time. I trained the robot from 2009 to 2016 and then tested it against unseen data, from 2003 to 2009 If the number of consecutive losses in a row doesn t change, then the pattern is solid enough. If the number of allowed losses is exceeded, then the market changed and the robot should be retrained. How recovery function works. The way this ro bot is designed is very important I need to know if the backtests are valid or not, this is the main problem of all forex robots. Optimizing the wrong way 99 of forex robot vendors are doing it, intentionally or not. The robot is optimized for the whole testing period, for example between 2000 and 2016 It selects only the best trades, the equity curve looks nice, everything is fine, then after a few months, it bites the dust At first, as I stated before it was a complete mystery to me why Then I realized that the market does not behave according to our backtests, the conditions change and therefore the pattern is broken The second important thing is that backtesting this way there is no checking procedure How can we tell if the backtest is valid or not We can t. Optimizing the right way. The robot is optimized using data between 2003 and 2009 Then, the robot is tested against unseen data, between 2009 and 2016 If the drawdown length, drawdown depth and number of consecutive losses remains the same, then the strategy is valid This is our main assumption. What is new in the current version v30.1 Trailing stop We don t want to lose the profits entirely if the market turns against us, especially when the traded lot size is bigger, therefore the robot has not the ability to decide when the trailling stop should be activated If the market goes in our favor, we can follow it and win big.2 Lot increment algorithm has been changed Suppose the starting lot is 0 1, then the lot increment goes as follows. If the 7th trade is lost, then the next lot size equals initial lot of 0 1 and the cycle continues If you lose a 7 trades cycle which never happened during 10 years of backtests , you lose 20 of your account, which will be recovered in no more than 3-4 months Awesome, right. However, thanks to the trailing stop function we added, if the lot size of a trade is 0 1 the initial lot size and the profit for that trade is higher than the initial tp, the lot size doesn t increment even if t he next 3 trades are lost Why Because we are still in profit overall and we can afford to take one more loss or more with lot 0 1 initial lot Now we can win big if the market goes our way and we can take many future losses without the need to increment the lot size. To put it simple, the lot size rarely increases And this is a huge step forward because the risk is highly reduced.3 Multi currency trader without additional controller If for trades trades we have a profit of pips pips, the lot size doesn t get incremented For example, if trades 20 and pips 200, it means that for the last 20 trades all currencies we have a total profit of 200 pips We are satisfied with it and we don t see the point of increasing the next lot size even if the last trade has ended with a loss.4 Protection against stop loss hunting As much as we like to hide the sl and tp levels from brokers, is very unsafe to do it because the market may turn violently against us wiping up the account sl and tp remains in pla ce, but there is an additional hidden function which does exactly that if the broker doesn t close the trade for profit even if tp is in place, the function activates and closes the trade.5 You can now close the trades manually for loss or profit You could have done it in the previous version also, but now all bugs have been fixed.6 The core algorithm has been reoptimized Neural networks and bayesian filters has been improved, the main purpose is to reduce the risk of ruin.7 New tp and sl setting feature In the previous version, the sl and tp levels are not set when opening a trade, the trade is modified right after opening with the desired sl and tp levels Now you could activate the function which enables you to set tp and sl when opening a trade A rather useless function you may say, but some clients reported that this is the only way Zamolxis works on their broker, by setting tp and sl when opening a trade, not after.8 Please welcome to our new pair EURJPY. If you ask me, I think I s ucceeded in getting the best out of forex robot trading This page will serve as inspiration source for many forex robot vendors, but it s ok. So, is it more profitable than the previous version v20 Short answer is no, the overall profit is almost the same, but the safety is highly improved, the risk has been greatly reduced Please take a look at this picture, it s a comparison between the previous version and the current one. Let s take USDJPY for example Version 2 0 produces a profit of 145 18 and only 1532 pips Version 3 0 produces a profit of 102 15 and 3410 pips Which means the version s 2 0 higher profitability comes from a large number of increased lots which leads to a much larger risk See the difference. Let s see how it trades in the wild, how profits are protected in version 3 0.Thanks to our trailing stop function we added, sometimes when the market conditions are appropriate, you only risk 8 pips in order to get 82.Now, take a look at both forward tests The new version produce d 1600 pips within 2 months while the previous one produced 3000 pips within 18 months The profitability is now focused on individual trades instead of just increasing lots This is a huge step forward. Overall profitability, if all pairs are traded in portfolio, is the same All years are profitable. Portfolio EURUSD, AUDUSD, GBPUSD, EURJPY, USDJPY. When I designed this system I had the followings in mind. I don t have the patience to suffer many years of drawdown Ok, I m finally admitting it, I m not a patient man even if I m doing all my best to become one But leaving aside my lack of patience, what s the point of waiting 2-3 years without even being certain of further recovery So, I m not willing to wait for recovery more than 3 months, the most The portfolio analysis shows a maximum drawdown period of 70 days, but in real life trading I m sure that it will be extended to 3-4 months Ok, so no more than 4 months without profit Please take a look at my former portfolio, for example read th is post the main problem is the drawdown length Without a nice recovery function, you are doomed to wait for a hypothetical recovery for years. Drawdown depth should be no more than 25 of my account, the most I m willing to take such a risk if the recovery is fast Portfolio analysis shows a maximum drawdown of 15 but as I said before, real trading conditions are different and I m expecting a 25 drawdown. I have to know exactly when the strategy becomes invalid and when the robot should be retrained. Is the profit guaranteed. No, of course not, aren t you tired of being scammed Nobody can guarantee the profit, no one can foresee the future and market changes All we can do is try our best according to our current knowledge of math, programming and statistics. Zamolxis Tradind System. Effective Long Term Strategies. After observing my clients trade and observing the way certain currency pairs behave it became evident to me that it is easier to trade forex long term then it is to trade it short t erm There are many reasons why it is easier to trade forex long term than short term below are just a few. Click here to order your copy of The VXX Trend Following Strategy today and be one of the very first traders to utilize these unique strategies This guidebook will make you a better, more powerful trader. First just look at the weekly chart for any currency pair, it looks far smoother with a lot less noise Our research department has tested systems on daily, weekly, hourly and other smaller intraday time frequencies and it is evident that the bigger the frequency on the chart the better the performance It is easier to trade smoother charts. The market also tends to panic and make drastic moves Usually after that buy programs for institutions step in and correct it and the moves end up being just noise. Third the forex market is unregulated and usually traded off exchange for the retail trader thus the FCM s are able to spike the market because they are taking a risk on a lot of the tr ades By spiking the market they can make a lot of traders that have stops near by loose their money to the FCM This is a tactic used by market makers If you are trading long term you are far less likely to loose in these situation. Another big issue is commissions Forex has very high commissions compared to other markets This is usually incorporated in the spread So every time you make a trade you are paying 30 to the FCM By trading long term you are trading less and thus not paying as much. The Trend is Your Friend. One great property that the forex market offers is that it trends great In this article I will particularly concentrate on the EUR USD This is particularly evident on a longer term time frame chart such as a weekly where all of the daily noise is eliminated Below is an example of a Weekly chart of the EUR USD with the Heikin-Ashi Trend Candles Heikin-Ashi Trend Candles are a great Japanese technical tool whose proprietary formula is beneficial in determining the trend this to ol is available in a software package that my company offers, if you would like to know more about the package you can join a free seminar that they conduct every Wednesday at 9pm EST by clicking this link. Look how well the market trended over this 3 year period and how well the Heikin-Ashi Trend Candles captured the trend. Keys to Trading the Trend. Now as you probably already know I preach risk and money management and when it comes to trend trading nothing can be more important that risk and money management In the next section I will show you a basic strategy for trading the trend Although the drawdowns get fairly high because of the inevitable whipsaw periods when the market does not move trading the trend may be easier than you think Now the main quality that you need to have as a trend trader is a strong stomach, you really need to be able to sit through the drawdowns and keep taking more and more trades Many successful traders trade the trend I am sure you know the Boston Red Sox , their owner John W Henry made a lot of his money trend trading Another example is the turtle traders and Richard Donkien. Position Size Control. Now first and foremost it is critical to control your position size when trading the trend This is by far the most important rule The whipsaws will be vicious and will cause you to loose a great deal of your account if you are trading to big, not to mention have a drastic impact on you psychologically A lot of my clients don t use stops or targets or really follow any intense technical analysis What they do is simply trade in the direction of the overall trend, try to trade in the direction of the SWAP collect interest and sit through the drawdowns If they had large positions they would be easily margin called out of their trades. Technically it is extremely difficult to keep your self out of the market during whipsaw periods This is actually next to impossible in my opinion As a trader you have to take every trade of the system you trade becau se you never know which one will be the huge break out of the period that you have been waiting for as a trend trader Now the key from a risk management standpoint is to maximize the amount that you make on the trend and minimize the amount you loose on the whipsaw within the realm of your system. There are a few ways to do this Many successful floor traders used to pyramid into their trades meaning take a position and than add a smaller portion as the price moved in the direction of their trade This is a good strategy, I personally like to scale up in these situations meaning I will keep adding the same size to my position at each trigger point Now the important tactic in each of these strategies is to get out of the whole position as soon as you receive an exit signal based on your rules This could be a technical signal or profit target. The fist tactic is incredibly simple and was tested out effectively by our research department Other filters can be added to this tactic to improve it One of the systems that our firm trades teaches and sells is a variation of this strategy. Long Entry and Exit. Enter when the price crosses above the previous weeks high. Add to the position every time the price crosses above its previous weeks high Do not enter more than once per week so if the price crosses below the previous week s high and crosses back above it do not enter. Exit the whole long position when the price crosses below the previous weeks low. If the previous weeks high is not the highest high of the particular move do not enter the trade. Short Entry and Exit. Enter when the price crosses below the previous week s low. Add to the position every time the price crosses below its previous weeks low Do not enter more than once per week so if the price crosses above the previous week s high and crosses back below it do not enter. Exit the whole short position when the price crosses below the previous weeks high. If the previous weeks low is not the lowest low of a particular move d o not enter the trade. So essentially with this strategy you are always in a trade This is because you are flipping the position and entering with the minimum amount should the trade cross above or below the key level. I recommend starting this system with 1 to 1 leverage and scale up into the trade at each signal In other words you should trade this system with 1 mini lot per 10,000 in your account. In the example below you would enter long with 1 unit of your position every time you see the pointer and exit and flip the position when you see the thumbs down. This strategy is extremely simple and effective as long as you manage your drawdown properly This strategy is an example of how you can use risk management parameters to enhance the performance of your trading system I would recommend using additional filters such as ATR, ADX, and Volatility since they help you gauge the strength of the trend If you would like to learn our advanced version of this system or many other systems that we offer, please contact me at. Alexander Nekritin is a professional trader with over 8 years of experience His specialties include risk management and system development Alexander is the CEO of which is a forex introducing broker and education company that helps suite client s needs in forex trading Alexander has a degree with a concentration in Investment Banking and derivative instruments from Babson College in Massachusetts. A Long-Term Strategy To Conquer The FX Market. Copyright MarketClub All rights reserved User Agreement. U S Government Required Disclaimer Commodity Futures Trading Commission Futures and Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets Don t trade with money you can t afford to lose This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy Sell futures or options No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to ac hieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this web site The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. CFTC RULE 4 41 HYPOTHETICAL OR SIMULATED PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE CERTAIN LIMITATIONS UNLIKE AN ACTUAL PERFORMANCE RECORD, SIMULATED RESULTS DO NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL TRADING ALSO, SINCE THE TRADES HAVE NOT BEEN EXECUTED, THE RESULTS MAY HAVE UNDER-OR-OVER COMPENSATED FOR THE IMPACT, IF ANY, OF CERTAIN MARKET FACTORS, SUCH AS LACK OF LIQUIDITY SIMULATED TRADING PROGRAMS IN GENERAL ARE ALSO SUBJECT TO THE FACT THAT THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFIT OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN. All trades, patterns, charts, systems, etc discussed in this advertisement and the product materials are for illustrative purposes only and not to be construed as specific advisory recommendations All ideas and material presented are entirely t hose of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher or No system or methodology has ever been developed that can guarantee profits or ensure freedom from losses No representation or implication is being made that using the MarketClub methodology or system will generate profits or ensure freedom from losses The testimonials and examples used herein are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average member, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results Each individual s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation.

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